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Feral Cat Services

Cat Colony Registration

Feral Cat Services

Cat Colony Registration

Feral Cat Colony Registration Form

By registering your cat colony in our confidential database, you can more easily reclaim your colony cats from the Wake County Animal Center.

  • Use this form to register a new feral cat colony. If you would like to update information for a previously-registered colony, please contact us at

    Your information will be kept in a confidential database that is used to help protect community cats in Wake County. Your information will never be released to Animal Control for the purpose of trapping cats.

    Note that fields marked with a * are required.

  • If you do not know the address, please provide the nearest intersection and a description of the cats location.
  • Where on the property are the cats located?
  • Approximately how many cats are in the colony?
  • How many cats have been spayed or neutered?

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Featured Cat

Egg Hunt
Male - Young Adult